The internet and digital technologies have become critical tools of modern life; they help us do our work, manage our finances, plan events, and stay connected with friends and family. They open doorways to a virtual world of linked devices so we can communicate and connect with each other. But this digital world can become dangerously addictive—a vast playground for our obsessive and compulsive sexual or romantic activities. Many of us find its speed, intensity, and limitless variety—and its relative anonymity—amplify and accelerate our addiction. Our brains are not prepared for the overwhelming power of what we experience online.
Sex and Love Addiction in the Digital Age was written to:
1. Help newcomers to S.L.A.A. compare their online experiences to and identify with the experiences of other S.L.A.A. members.
2. Point the way to the new hope and freedom that can be gained by applying the tools of the S.L.A.A. program.