This highly anticipated booklet completes the series of 4 booklets focused on working the twelve steps for those who experience Anorexia.
The most important tool that recovering sex and love addicts with an anorexia focus have is the Twelve Steps. As anorexics, we have the challenge of entering into the final three Steps knowing that they increase interaction with other people. We have been working toward this for the last several Steps. In Steps Four and Five we uncovered our character defects, in Steps Six and Seven we looked to our Higher Power to relieve us of those defects, and in Steps Eight and Nine we made amends. We are now prepared to succeed in healthy relationships with ourselves, with others, and with our Higher Power. We are also ready to carry the message of recovery to other sex and love addicts.
Welcome to this stage of recovery. Steps Ten, Eleven, and Twelve are much like the first three Steps because they are worked continually—Step Ten says “continued,” Step Eleven says “sought… to improve,” and Step Twelve says “tried” and “practice”. Some of our members call these the maintenance Steps or growth Steps.